A day of gratitude…a day of celebration…a day for a nation full of its great achievements and great leaps. All words are few in comparison to the generosity of this nation with its leaders and its leadership of us. All words are few in comparison to the opportunities for empowerment for me and for all the women of my country, and in front of all these renaissances of opening the gates of investment. And from the pride in our identity, our heritage and our originality, and from the dominance of Saudi sports in all international media platforms and pages, we dream and achieve…
After Riyadh was and still is the land of pride and wealth, the land of knowledge and the capital of kings that deserved all this love from us, Riyadh is unique in that it is the capital of empowerment… the land from which a series of pivotal changes began by promoting women’s rights, support and care programs directed to them, and thus improving their work environment in all areas. sectors. I and all the women of my country have taken giant steps towards effective participation scientifically and practically to serve the renaissance of Saudi society.
After 93 years of founding, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has moved from poverty to prosperity, from wars to security, from dispersion to unity, and from narrow circumstances to God’s abundance and grace.
From the era of the Almohad until the era of the Mujaddid, on whose back all our dreams relied, where nothing is impossible after God’s power in his era.
For space, for the world, and in all forums, the homeland has mastered and leapt ahead of all its peers. Aspirations are no longer the same as before, but all dreams, most of them, have become possible. We dream and achieve to be empowered to achieve, to advance, to prosper, for a homeland that chose life for us, chose for us prosperity under the most precious and greatest banner (the banner of glory).